We’ve come a long way since Brian first found this truck on Craigslist. He envisioned a rolling shop for me to get my jewelry out of the basement and onto the street. I wasn’t so sure at first, but then we got the truck, went for a ride and I was completely on-board! Now after a few weeks of fix-up and painting it’s ready to roll!

Truck Shop is finally open! It is a way for me to get my jewelry out there and seen and (hopefully) purchased. So far I’ve had some success in sales, and people are intrigued by the truck and the concept— so much so that we now offer pop-up truck and food truck design—see hudsondesign.us if you are interested. And, if you find yourself in Hudson on a weekend, please stop by and say hello!
I’m excited to announce that Ruth Beattie now has a virtual storefront on OpenSky, a cool new online marketplace for artisans.
Visit https://www.opensky.com/ruthbeattie. And please click on the heart shaped icon and show some love, or feel free to leave a comment!
I need your help spreading the word. Go to RuthBeattie on OpenSky and join this creative community of shoppers, merchants, and industry insiders.
(New members get a $10 credit and free updates when there are sales and special promotions.)
After you have followed me on OpenSky, please help me by sending this to everyone you know so they can follow my store and discover this amazing social shopping experience.
Thanks and I look forward to connecting on OpenSky!
AC: So I said to myself, Allison, what are you going to do for Xmas presents this year?
RB: And what did you decide?
AC: Make jewelry, of couse, like every other Xmas.
RB: Anything else?
AC: Send your favorite chocolates to family, but don’t buy any for yourself.
RB: That’s hard to do.
AC: You said it!
AC: I’m also working on a holiday card that follows the 12 days of Christmas – keys style. This year is 4 parrotfish.
RB: What did you do for the other years?
AC: 3 Key West hens, 2 manatees, and a pelican in a palm tree.
RB: That’s cute.
AC: I’ll post it here when I’m done.
Finally getting my blog in place. It’s been a while. The rest of the site has been up since spring 2013, and here it is December 15, 2013 already. Better late than never. Here, I plan to share some photos of my jewelry, some jewelry “how tos”, random thoughts, and links to some sites I find of interest. Stay tuned. Thanks!
thoughts and ideas on jewelry design, etc.